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Showing posts from June, 2013

I spy with Raspberry Pi

Prepare to dive deep Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents . Trendy title. While I wondered how serious it could be, the author's name got my attention - Stefan Sjogelid . Now that is already promising. This is the guy behind the idea, that if you're eager enough, you can build your own Linux distribution targeted at the Raspberry Pi architecture. The whole process is thoroughly described on his dedicated web site . And expectations slowly started to rise. Now with this book we're in for a treat. At least we don't get the usual starter point of view, and get some trickery instead.  The book is very educating on an operating system level. Reading it, I was able to fill some large gaps in my modest but constantly expanding Linux knowledge. Once the reader starts, it quickly becomes clear that the installments built up are simple enough, yet powerful and effective. And I wouldn't be surprised if such tools are employed in a real-life espionage activities. The layout