Some resources

Of course lots of  resources and information can easily be found online. You may start with the official Raspberry Pi site or Wikipedia. You can have a go through the social media (the main and related pages on Facebook, Google+, Linked-In, ... the last one by the way is very useful and has interesting discussions, advises and shared experience). Important and may be inevitable will be to visit the element 14 / Farnell Pi's sub-site to actually purchase an item of your preferred variant (whether model B or model A, which is already available for a few days now) and complement it with some accessories. This sub-site is very well organized and centered around the Pi.

Whatever you browse, at some point you'll need a more comprehensive, detailed and systematic information about the device. On Amazon you may find several types of readings - from comprehensive guides, through quick starters, to programming and hacking books. What I personally chose was this: Raspberry Pi - A Quick-Start Guide by Maik Schmidt. It is fast paced, easy to read and to the point. So I decided to use it as a primary guide for my first steps into the raspberry bush.

And now for some extras.
  • On the side of the hardware this got my attention and still rubs my curiosity. It looks as a very nice starter kit and what seems the sweetest to me is that it has an interesting book included. This kit ranks pretty well as number one in a certain wish list :)
  • On the side of software, or moreover on the side of Operating Systems, I'm very tempted to try Bodhi Linux as soon as possible. As you can see on the download page they have an image prepared specifically for Raspberry Pi. It was made by packing Enlightenment on top of Raspbian - window manager that I anticipate very much combined with the official Pi distribution.

There are even more resources around for different needs and different installments - a whole abundance of pages and tutorials. All of it is one search away.

P.S.: If you have a resource worth mentioning don't hesitate but head on to the shiny "Add a comment" section bellow and share it. Thanks! :)


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